Small Gifts
Big Difference

Small Gifts
Big Difference

The Let Them Play Foundation is a chance to fund opportunities for play and raise awareness of the plight of inactivity facing our children. Committed to being the bridge between small gifts and a big difference, the Let Them Play Foundation is focused on funding specific needs for organizations that provide the means and opportunity for children to play.

Find out how you can help support more play.

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If you’re part of the amazing teams that share a mission with Let Them Play, submit your application today!

Grant Application

There is a direct correlation between the degree of fitness a child has and their cognitive ability, their test scores, their academic success. We know from studies that if you don’t play, your brain is smaller. Play is essential.”

Dr. John Ratey
Author of Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain

When I saw what was going on with youth inactivity and the elimination of PE classes in America, that’s when I found my calling.”

Eric Byrnes